Che sia in vista di una nuova opportunità professionale, o per ricercare la freschezza di una nuova avventura, ottenere informazioni sulla situazione del mercato del lavoro, è fondamentale per chi ha deciso di trasferirsi in Francia. Cercheremo di fare chiarezza su alcune delle differenze principali rispetto all’Italia, e fornire indicazioni utili per chiunque abbia deciso di traslocare in Francia.
The excellent working conditions (average net salary of €1,796.59) and the stability of the French labor market are certainly an incentive to seek a better quality of life. Among European destinations, only Germany and the United Kingdom manage to attract more Italian citizens. Thanks to community regulations, all European citizens can move freely within the Union simply with an identification document. However, for an Italian who intends to access the job market in France, the bureaucratic requirements are as follows:
To facilitate entry into the French world of work, knowledge of the language is of fundamental importance. Even though more and more multinationals have adopted English as the official language for work interactions, learning French is crucial to better integrate. Obviously, you can exploit the virtue of necessity, and decide to study or improve your French directly across the Alps, where both public and private study opportunities abound. On the website of the French language promotion agency , you will find various offers, both for online courses, group or individual lessons. It is obviously advisable to prepare both your Curriculum Vitae and any letters of introduction in French. In fact, cases in which CVs or résumés are requested in English are quite rare.
In order to assert your Italian university diploma, it is usually sufficient to accompany the original degree certificate (including exams passed and related evaluation) with a translation written by the student himself, or, only if explicitly requested, by a sworn translator accredited by a court. (Italian or French). The Italian State diploma has equal value to that obtained in French educational institutions (Baccalauréat), in accordance with the bilateral agreements between Italy and France .
All employee employment contracts are subject to the French Labor Code , and to the Conventions Collectives , i.e. collective sector agreements, drawn up by social partners and associations representing workers and employers. Furthermore, every year the Ministry of Labor imposes a minimum hourly wage ( SMIC ), which any employer must adapt to. The SMIC level is re-evaluated every year, at the time of writing this article it is set at €10.03 gross hourly (+1.50% compared to the previous year, in which the SMIC level was €9.88 gross hourly ). Furthermore, on the taxation of wages there are no withholdings from the pay slip, as income taxes will be paid annually through the tax return.
There are different categories of self-employment, and many types of businesses. The 5 main legal forms that determine the nature of a business in France are:
The National Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) offers various aids for business creation, and information prospectuses containing regulations and necessary documentation are available on the website. The Business Creation Agency ( Accueil Entrepeneur ) provides a comprehensive overview of legal structures, financial aid, social security systems and procedures for business creation.
When looking for work in France, there are several valid opportunities, both in the public and private sectors. Private employment agencies have a wide range of offers for different levels of professional qualification, and among the largest we find: Adecco , GiGroup and Manpower . As far as online research is concerned, the most popular websites are: Monster , Indeed , and obviously Linkedin .
In the public sector, the Pôle Emploi , the national employment agency in France, is a very important point of reference for anyone looking for a job. The system offers various opportunities to retrain, and in the presence of certain requirements it also provides unemployment benefits. At the time of enrolment, a conseiller personnel will assist in the search, drawing up a Projet Personalisé d’Accés à l’Emploi , or PPAE, i.e. a dossier containing details such as level of studies, professional skills, personal and family situation. Through the PPAE, the Pôle Emploi will take care of identifying the most suitable offers, and accompanying the candidate through training processes, and possible provision of subsidies. To register for Pôle Emploi the first step is to create an online account . Once registration is completed, an appointment will be made at the nearest employment center, and it will be necessary to present the following documentation:
Juggling the technical terms of bureaucracy in a new country is never an easy task, and in the dynamics of a move, clarifying fundamental aspects such as those of the world of work can represent an enormous advantage. That’s why we thought we’d provide this little glossary to recap.
Ancienneté: Seniority (Experience)
APEC (Agence pour l’Emploi de Cadres): Employment agency for managers
Bulletin de paie: Pay slip
CDD (Contrat à durée déterminée): Fixed-term contract
CDI (Contrat à durée indéterminée): Contract permanent
Chômage – Chômeur/Chomeuse: Unemployment – Unemployed
Congé de maternité – de paternité: Maternity – paternity leave
Demandeur d’emploi: Unemployed
Licenciement pour motif personnel: Dismissal for personal reasons
Démission: Resignation
Licenciement pour motif économique: Dismissal for economic reasons
Rupture conventionnelle: Agreement between employer and employee to terminate the employment contract
Licenciement pour faute (serious): Dismissal due to (serious) fault of the employee
Pôle Emploi: Employment center
Salaire – Brut / Net: Salary, salary – gross / net
SMIC – Salaire Minimum Interprofessionel de Croissance: Guaranteed minimum wage
Internship d’études: Student internship
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Good Chance!